Fredy Arco (also Nino del Arco, born September 6, 1958 in Madrid) is a Spanish former child actor.

Arco was occupied by Sergio Leone in 1964 as "Jésus" in the Italowestern For a handful of dollars; until 1972 he played in Spain and with even greater success in Mexico in seven other films. Right in the first La primera aventura, he played alongside Jose Calvo - as in a handful of dollars. His most famous role is that of "Pedrito" in Ramón Fernández 'El Cristo del Oceano from 1971. Two attempts to link childhood in the adult age remained a one-day flight in 1983 and 1994 - a guest appearance in a Spanish television series

Arco studied law and worked as a lawyer in his birthplace. Filmography (selection) Edit source text Weblinks Edit sourcetext Standard data (person): Wikipedia person search | No GND person record. Last review: 4 July 2017.



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