Omagua (rainforest)

Omagua-Region, Amazonas, Peru

According to Javier Pulgar Vidal, the Omagua (also called Selva baja (Spanish "low-lying forest"), Walla or Anti, is the lowest altitude of Peru, east of the Andes, from about 80 to 400 m Altitude above sea level and part of Amazon.

The climate is hotter than 24 ° C. The relative humidity is high; there are rainstorms in summer. The surface is flat, partially weakly wavy. There are many, watery, slowly flowing rivers that often change their riverbed. Lakes and marshes are also abundant.

The area is covered by tropical rainforest.

As the dense vegetation is hard to cross, the rivers form the main traffic arteries. Edit source text Höhenzonen der Anden

Chala 0–500 m (westl.) | Omagua 80–400 m (östl.) | Rupa-Rupa 400–1000 m (östl.) | West-Yunga 500–2300 m | Ost-Yunga 1000–2300 m | Quechua 2300–3500 m | Suni 3500–4000 m | Puna 4000–4800 m | Janca +4800 m


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