Magazine of Folklore

The Magazine of Folklore is a monthly publication dedicated to the study and dissemination of folklore, traditions, beliefs, customs, legends, etc., ie the vast field of ethnography. Although articles of Castile and Leon abound, contributions from all over Spain and abroad are included, as it has a universal vocation.

Founded in 1980 by Joaquín Díaz, who continues to take charge of the management, within the activities of the Joaquín Díaz Foundation with different employers, among which was the Caja de Ahorros Popular de Valladolid (which in 1990 merged in Caja España becoming later Caja Duero).

In June of 2015 they have published the number 400 in whose editorial appears a summary of what has meant in these 35 years: 2500 articles, almost 700 collaborators, 15 000 pages with numerous illustrations that are now in color. p>


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