José Antonio Maitín

José Antonio Maitín (Puerto Cabello, 1804-Choroni, 1874) was a Venezuelan poet and playwright. He is considered the most excellent romantic poet of Venezuela.

His most famous work in romantic poetry is Canto Fúnebre (1851), dedicated to the poet José Zorrilla, whom he admits to have sought inspiration.

He was exiled in Curaçao and in Cuba after the fall of the First Republic. He returned to Venezuela in 1824, where he began to stand out in the cultural circles of Caracas. After the coup d'état of 1835, he took refuge in Choroní, where his wife died, which inspired him to his famous Canto funeral. This extensive poem reflects a deep domestic melancholy, and a sadness that is consubstantial with the spaces of the home that cared for his wife. Works


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