Talasa (mythology)

For other uses of this term, see Talasa. In Greek mythology, Talasa or Tálasa (in ancient Greek, Θάλασσα Thálassa, Θάλασση Thálassê or Θάλαττη Thalattê, 'sea') was a primordial goddess of the sea, daughter of Ether and Hemera, personification of the Mediterranean sea. His brothers were Earth (Gea) and Heaven (Uranus). Its Latin name was Mare, whence derives the word sea.

She was a mother with Pontus of the nine Telquines, the nymph Halia, and the fish of the sea. She was also the mother of Aegeon, the personification of the Aegean Sea. He was sometimes considered Aphrodite's mother to Uranus, for when Chronus castrated him, his genitals fell into the sea.


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