Remote Disc

Remote Disc is a software developed by Apple and presented at Macworld 2008 that allows you to use CDs and DVDs from another Mac or Windows PC on a MacBook Air. This is required by the lack of an optical drive in this notebook. As an alternative, Apple offers the external MacBook Air SuperDrive, which is connected to the computer via USB. The software has been installed by default since Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.2 How to edit the source text

First, the associated software must be installed on a computer with an optical drive that is to serve as a source. It is important that the source computer is on the same network as the MacBook Air. The software comes with the MacBook Air and is located on the system DVD. When the installation is finished, the source computer is permanently prepared for using RemoteDisc. After this initial configuration, you can insert any CD or DVD you want to use on MacBook Air. This data carrier is displayed in the Finder and can now be used as normal. Edit source text Weblinks Edit sourcetext


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