
Gumby (The Gumby Show) is an American children's show, which was first shown in 1957. The main character of the Claymation Trickfilm is a green figure of plasticine, accompanied by an orange horse called Pokey.

Gumby's inventor Art Clokey had already gained experience with Claymation in his short film Gumbasia in 1955, before he invented the character Gumby in 1956 for the NBC show Howdy Doody. In 1957 Gumby got his own series, which was supplemented by further episodes in 1962 and 1966/67. In 1988, a new Gumby series was produced, in which, in addition to newly produced films, old material was reused, but the soundtrack (both music and dialogues) was exchanged. A total of 223 Gumby episodes are available.

In 1995 the feature film Gumby and his friends (Gumby: The Movie) were created.

In Germany the original series 1961/62 was shown in the ARD. In the 1980s a video cassette with some selected episodes appeared and in 2003 the feature film from 1995 was released on DVD. Nevertheless, Gumby remained rather unknown in Germany. Weblinks Edit sourcetext


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