Vicente Chapa

Vicente Chapa Olmos (Grao (Valencia), 1837 - Valencia, 1902) was a Spanish politician. His father, Vicente Chapa Escantell (died in 1877), was businessman and mayor of El Grao. He started to study law at the University of Valencia, but did not finish the race. It began militating in the Progressive Party during the reign of Isabel II, but after the revolution of 1868 entered in the Constitutional Party. In the general elections of 1871 he appeared with a monarchical candidacy, but was defeated by Emilio Castelar. More luck had in the elections of April of 1872, in which was chosen deputy to the Congress by the electoral district of the Market of Valencia with the liberal monarchists of Práxedes Mateo Sagasta.

Once established the Bourbon restoration was part of the Liberal Party, with which was elected deputy by Valencia in the elections of 1881 and 1886. In 1893 did not get the seat due to internal clashes between the Liberals, despite that he had the support of Trinitario Ruiz Capdepón. Its political decline also meant its economic decline.


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