Italo Reno

Italo Reno (bourgeois Enrico DiVentura) is a German rapper from Minden.

BiographyChange source

Reno grew up together with his later Rappartner Germany in Minden. In 1996 they met the DJ and producer Lord Scan at a HipHop Jam. The three founded the formation The Klan. In 1999, the band released the album "Flashpunks" on the label "Put Da Needle To Da Records". After the clan dissolved, he had published several publications with Germany as Italo Reno & amp; Germany. In 2007, he released his solo album Too much to be true about the Minden label All Real Records by Curse on the market. In the meantime, he only appears under the name Reno. Discography Edit the source text Single-level Edit source text Weblinks Edit sourcetext Standard data (person): Wikipedia person search | No GND person record. Last review: 4 January 2017. | Note: GND only for Italo Reno & amp; germany


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