Inter-American Federation of Philately

The Inter-American Federation of Philately was founded in Mexico City on November 8, 1968. It is attended by representatives of the Argentine Philatelic Entities Federation, the Royal Philatelic Society of Canada, the Philatelic Society of Chile, The Colombian Philatelic Federation, the American Philatelic Society, the Philatelic Association of Guatemala, the Mexican Philatelic Federation, the Peruvian Philatelic Association, the Uruguayan Philatelic Federation and the Caracas Philatelic Club. The idea of ​​founding that Federation came to some collectors who were gathered for the celebration of the Sipex, in Washington in 1966. On that occasion a Statute was projected. Thus in 1968, on the occasion of Efimex-68, the Constituent Assembly met for the first time, holding three meetings on 6, 7 and 8 and November 1968, finally approving the Statutes and the Declaration of Washington, and putting as permanent headquarters the city of Bogota.

The Constituent Assembly appointed the Mexican Mr. Emilio Obregón and the Vice-Presidency Mr. Edward L. Willard of the United States for the period of 1969. The Board of Directors was composed of Mr. Álvaro Bonilla Lara and Mr. Hugo Fraccaroli, in recognition of his immense philatelic merits and his many years of philately work. Secretary Treasurer was appointed Mr. Jairo Londoño T. of Colombia.

As per the Statute and on the occasion of Exfilbo-69, the Ordinary Annual Assembly met in Bogota on December 9. The two sessions took place at the Bacatá Hotel, on December 1st and 6th. The first session lasted practically all day, from 10 in the morning to 7 in the afternoon, with only lunch break. On that occasion, other representatives of other national associations requested and obtained their membership: the Philatelic Club of Cochabamba (Bolivia), the Philatelic Club of Brazil and the Philatelic Association of Costa Rica.

In 1970, the election of authorities was carried out with the following result: President was appointed Peruvian Herbert H. Moll, while Vice President and Secretary Treasurer were confirmed Edwar L. William Jairo Londoño T.


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