The state elections in Schleswig-Holstein in 1954 were the third election to the Landtag of Schleswig-Holstein and took place on 12 September 1954. A government of the CDU, the BBB and the FDP was formed. The SPD was the strongest party by votes, but could not surpass the total seats of the coalition formed.


The official result of the election was as follows:

Following the formation of the CDU / FDP / BHE coalition on October 11, 1954, Kai-Uwe von Hassel was elected prime minister. Friedrich-Wilhelm Lübke had previously resigned for health reasons (he died of cancer 5 days after his resignation).

As for the office of President of Parliament, there was a conflict. He was chosen Walther Böttcher (CDU), although the SPD had become by votes in the strongest party. The coalition argued that what really counted in the election of the President were coalition seats, not votes received. Bibliography


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