Pierre Gauthier is a French politician born December 6, 1758 in Conde-sur-Noireau (Calvados) and died October 10, 1829 in Caen (Calvados). A lawyer, a prosecutor of Conde-sur-Noireau in 1789, he became administrator of the district of Vire in 1790, commissioner of the king at the court of Vire in 1792 and administrator of the department in 1792. He is a member of the Calvados Five hundred from 1795 to 1799, president of the assembly in the year V. Member of the Court of Cassation and the tribunal of appeal of Caen in Year VII, it is president of the criminal court of Calvados in in the year VIII. He is president of the chamber at the Imperial Court of Caen in 1811. Sources change code Pierre Gauthier (politician, 1758-1829) ", in Robert and Cougny, Dictionnaire des parlementaires français, 1889 [detail of the edition]


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