Association of Internal Tax Supervisors of Chile

The Association of Internal Tax Inspectors of Chile (AFIICH) brings together the inspectors of the Internal Revenue Service. It was created on June 8, 1967 under the name of Association of Inspectors of the Internal Tax Service, ADIICH, which in 1982 became known as the Association of Inspectors and former Internal Tax Inspectors of Chile, and finally on June 3, 1991 adopts the current name. Its members are approximately 1,580 professionals such as Accountants Auditors, Commercial Engineers, Public Administrators, Civil Constructors, Construction Engineers, Agricultural Engineers and Architects, who perform inspection functions in both tax and valuation areas and that represent 97% of the total provision of inspectors of the Internal Revenue Service. Its main objective is to defend the fundamental rights of its associates, to represent its interests before the authority and to propose permanently to improve its quality of life in the labor, professional and familiar scope. Its policy is composed of inspectors elected every two years by its partners and distributed in Regional Directives and National Directive, the composition of the latter for the period July 2012 to June 2014 is as follows:

National President: Mr. Juan Apablaza Gallardo

Vice President: Ms. Maritza Meza Oporto

Secretaria General: Sra. Paola Tresoldi Manríquez

National Treasurer: Mrs. M. Cristina Henríquez Muñoz

National Protester: Mr. Juan Leyton Belmar

Director: Ms. Oriana Urrutia Grez

Director: Mr. Héctor Soto Gaete

The association has as its official body a monthly online publication known as "Afiich Tributary Handbook", currently published by the Technical Tax Committee composed of members of the same association. Until 2008 its official organ was the "Manual of Consultations Tributarias" name with which it was known during many years and that at the moment publishes Legal Publishing of absolutely independent form and without the support of the Association.

National Directive 2012-2014


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