Anna Steinhardt

Anna Steinhardt (2008)

Anna Steinhardt (born 14 November 1988) is a German actress and singer. Edit LifeQualtext

Anna Steinhardt attended the Sophien Gymnasium in Weimar. During her school days, she was already active in the school choir and made her first musical experiences as the frontwoman of the school band Anna & Friends. From January 2008 to December 2009 she played the role of Paulina Pasulke in the Children's and Youth Series Schloss Einstein, which produced Saxonia Media in Erfurt and aired in KiKA. In April 2010, she had a guest appearance alongside many other former Einstein cast members in the series 600, and she was shown again in 688 on the season finale of season 14 (December 31, 2011). Anna Steinhardt is also on the stage as a singer of the band 'ANN RED'. From autumn 2009 to autumn 2010, Anna Steinhardt stood for the "Regioneender" "Salve TV" for the broadcast "ONE.cut" in front of the camera. Since 2010, she has been present at various events as a livemoderator and singer. Since May 2015, she has been a radio station manager for the Thuringian radio station top 40. Edit the article Weblinks Edit sourcetext Standard data (person): Wikipedia person search | No GND person record. Last review: 18 January 2015.


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