Gottfried Heinrich Bach

For other uses of this term, see Bach.

Gottfried Heinrich Bach (1724 - 1763) fue un hijo de Johann Sebastian Bach and Anna Magdalena Bach Biography

Born in Leipzig, Germany, he was the son of the celebrated musician Johann Sebastian Bach and Anna Magdalena Bach; his godmother was Regina Maria. Although suffering from mental retardation, J. Bach's biographers indicate that he was nevertheless inclined towards music and especially to the harpsichord, writing works that were lavish and unintelligible but well elaborated. In the words of his brother Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: "He was a genius, but it did not develop." Probably a small piece for keyboard and the aria So oft ich meine Tobackspfeife of the Book of Anna Magdalena belong to him.

At the death of his father in 1750 he was taken care of by his mother until Bach's son-in-law Johann Christoph Altnickol, married to his sister Elisabeth Juliane Friederica Bach (Liesgen), took over.


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