Spatulas (or spatulas) are referred to by the archaeologists as bones which usually have an oblong flatoval shape and pass into a narrower part with a short handle, which may have the shape of a fishtail. Spatula-like devices have existed since the recent Palaeolithic, but especially since the Magdalene.

The 22,000-year-old spatulas discovered in Russia (Avdeevo) sometimes had cat-like heads. In general, they are carefully smoothed and have embellishments resembling those on the spearheads and piercings. The term spatula, however, indicates only the presumed use. Sometimes the devices are also called smoothing. The working area and the shank area of ​​these devices have in many cases a clear usage polish. Often, the edges are completely rounded. This is a sign that soft materials have been processed.

The term "spatula" seems to be more appropriate. Edit source text Edit source text


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