DongHai 10

DongHai 10 (DH-10) is a standard Chinese cruise missile launched in 2007. The "second generation" missile can be equipped with a single conventional (HE) or nuclear warhead and has a range of approximately 2,400 km. It flies its target with a combination of inertial navigation system and Beidou (satellite navigation) and follows very deeply the terrain contours. The hit accuracy should be 10 m.

DH-10 has so far been introduced to the country forces and (air-based variant CJ-10 on Xian H-6 bomber) air forces. Now there are obvious indications that the DH-10 is also planned in a naval version for the use of overhead boats. In contrast to the US Tomahawk, however, at least with the previous variants, no shots from a standard vertical launch system should be possible. This means that DH-10 needs its own starting canister when installing on a war ship. By default this would be eight missiles. On the one hand, this would favor the retrofitting of ships already in service, but this would probably be at the expense of already existing sea-destination FK starters. Weblinks Edit sourcetext


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