Elaine Benes

Elaine Marie Benes is a fictional character in the American sitcom series Seinfeld (1989-1998) on NBC, played by Julia Louis-Dreyfus. She is the ex-girlfriend of Jerry and friend of Kramer and George, outstanding by its works and its bosses. Julia received an Emmy Award, two Screen Actors Guild Awards, and a Golden Globe for her performances. Personality

Elaine always looks positive but very superficial, and always responds in a very aggressive way to the surprising news, whether good or bad, as it is in the episode "The Postponement", when Jerry tells him about George being commits Susan Ross. Creation, inspiration and appearance Elaine's character was not meant to be the main female character in the series, instead she was "Claire" (played by Lee Garlington), a restaurant waitress "Pete's Luncheonette", but after a few changes replaced the restaurant and the character. The creators of the series Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld were forced to create to Elaine since NBC demanded to them to create a female character since the series was very centered in the masculine personages. So Jerry was inspired by his old girlfriend Carol Leifer, who is also a comedian.

Elaine appeared in the second episode (when the changes had already been made), as Jerry's ex-girlfriend, as a friend of George and as a friend of Morty and Helen Seinfeld.


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