Church of Our Lady of the Rosary (Sailing)

The church of Our Lady of the Rosary is the parish of the town of María Ignacia Vela, Argentina. History

It was inaugurated in 1904 as chapel, Mrs. Maria de Eandi was his godmother. The parish house was established in 1917 being his first parish priest Toribio Mauleón who held his position for 21 years. He was later replaced by Father Bondio.

In 1964 construction began on a new building, which made it possible to meet the needs of the people. The work was finished in 1965 and a commission was commissioned to maintain the same integrated by neighbors of the zone. The priest in charge at the time was John Terminski.

In the period from 1970 to March 1984, the chapel was in charge of the parish priest of Juárez Jesús Artigot, who was later transferred to Roque Pérez. The church was almost always attended to by religious from the neighboring town for not having a stable cure. When the religious was transferred to Roque Perez is replaced by Julio Buezas. Also the priests Juan Carlos Giovanino and Juan Opaso performed.

In 1975 the presence in Juarez of Father Osvaldo Catena, who also served in this parish, implemented the mass of men, carols in the streets, I believe the group of People of God, made pilgrimages on the journey Vela -Juárez. During the Easter season he made pilgrimages to Estación López from Vela and from Juárez and organized the National Encounter of Youth in Cordoba with other priests attending one hundred and fifty young people.

In 1996, Father César De Blas, who has been working in this community since 1994, created the Guía Community nº 159 Ntra. Sra del Rosario, belonging to the Asociación Argentinas Association. In addition, this parish priest built a new room for Caritas Argentinas. In addition in the month of June is celebrated annually the festival of Corpus Christie. With regard to the edilicia part some changes were made, some new objects were donated for the use of the population and religious. From the arrival of the priest meetings of the Vicariate were held.


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