
Map of cities of ancient Boeotia. Antedon was situated on the coast, near the Strait of Euripo that separates Boeotia from Euboea.

Antedon (in Greek, Ἀνθηδών) is the name of an ancient Greek city of Boeotia, which was mentioned by Homer in the catalog of the ships of the Iliad, where it is given the epithet of frontier. Greek mythology and places of worship Pausanias offers two versions about the origin of the name of Antedón: by a so-called nymph or by Antas, son of Poseidón and Alcíone that reigned there. The city was also the place of origin of Glaucus, a fisherman who became a sea monster and there was a tradition that said that the Sphinx faced piracy.

The same author places several places of worship there: Location

Lycophron called it "Thrace." Strabo mentions that he had a port and that next to it is Mount Mesapio, which is the present Ktypas. Antedón is located in ruins that are about 2 km from the present town of Lukisia. Notes and


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