Vice president

A vice president is an official (career or de facto) government, or a business man or woman, who is under the president in the organizational hierarchy. The name derives from the Latin vice ("instead of"). The vice president will always be vice president while the president lives and is legally the head of government (except for Venezuela and Chile, where the vice president is free to appoint and remove from the president). The president's travels do not disqualify him from his position, since there is no reason for him to leave the presidency simply because he is away from his seat.

In some countries, a vice-president acts as president when vacating the incumbent and not re-holding the power. In countries where there are presidential appointments, there is no concept of vice president, but those designated are potential vice presidents, who must submit to the assembly or the presidential term to hold the presidency.

He is the one who is designated to perform the actions of volunteers, donations.


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