
Eusebians were called an heretical organization that is one of the many branches of the Arians.

He took his name from Eusebius, bishop of Nicomedia, one of its chief leaders. This bishop, in addition to having passed several episcopal chairs in a manner prohibited by the canons, was united with Arrio by close friendship and conformity of opinions, not failing who believes that Arius was rather disciple than Eusebius's teacher. So the latter defended him warmly at the council of Nicea, doing his utmost to make his opinions prevail, and although he subscribed to the condemnation of the council for fear of being overthrown, it is believed that he was no less attached to the condemned errors. Such were his manifestations in this sense and his protection to the Arians that Constantine sent him to exile of the bishopric of Constantinople that played although three years later it restored to him to its grace and it replaced in its high position.

The pretensions of this prelate went even further, because when he returned to the friendship of the emperor he received Arius in the communion of the Church in a council held in Jerusalem and was led to other excesses.

Modern Encyclopedia: Universal dictionary. Francisco de P. Mellado. 1851


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