The Peterstag is a memorial day of the Rhineland-Palatinate local community Enkenbach-Alsenborn. It is always held on February 22nd in reminiscence of a horned cattle epidemic, which took place in the region in 1776.

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February 22 is the holiday of Kathedra Petri in the Catholic liturgical year. He recalls the takeover of the Roman Bishop's Chair (cathedra) by the Apostle Peter. Historically, the feast is probably due to a Roman funeral commemoration, when an empty chair was erected for the deceased. Edit event source text

The cattle breed itself broke out in Alsenborn and Enkenbach around Christmas 1776; then it spread in the neighboring towns. This went so far that only one cow survived. As with many earlier epidemics in the Middle Ages and early modern times, this was interpreted in the region as the punishment of God; correspondingly the piety of the region increased. Since then, Peter's day in Bethany and Danktag has become established in Alsenborn, Enkenbach and Neukirchen. Since the 22nd February of the following year, the so-called "St. Peterstag "was considered a turning point, many inhabitants have been going to the church since the local community of Enkenbach-Alsenborn, founded in 1969. Edit sourcetext

The holiday is celebrated with worship services. Many families do not eat meat that day. In addition, there is no work on-site and the schools have closed. Weblinks Edit sourcetext


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