Jens-Peter Bonde (born 27 March 1948 in Aabenraa) is a Danish politician and former member of the European Parliament.

Bonde studied political science at the Aarhus University from 1966 to 1974. He began his political activity in Det Radikale Venstre (1966-1972) before he co-founded the Folkebevægelsen mod EU. Since 1975, he has also been a member of Danmarks Kommunistiske Parti. In 1990 he ran for the Enhedslists. In 1992 he left Folkebevægelsen and DKP and took the Junibevægelsen from the baptism.

In the European Parliament, Bonde had the following management functions:

In 2008, he retired from active politics after 29 years in the Europaparlament. Hanne Dahl moved for him.

Bonde is a prominent European critic. He regularly appears in the media to comment on EU decisions. Bonde has published numerous books on the EU, including a comprehensive understanding of the EU treaties. Prior to the enlargement of the EU in 2004, he worked on translations of the EU treaties into the languages ​​of the new member states. Weblinks Edit sourcetext Standard data (person): LCCN: n84049755 VIAF: 13706804 | Wikipedia People Search


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