Ben-Hadad III.

Bir-Hadad III. (also Bar-Hadad III, Old Testament, Ben-Hadad) was from about 805 to 773 BC, Chr. Ruler of the kingdom of Aram.

He was the son of the Hazael and is called in the stele of the Zakkur of Hamat. Bir-Hadad III. should have formed a military coalition to prevent the annexation of the city of Hazrak. The son of Hazael, king of Aram, united 17 kings against me: Bir-Hadad III, king Bir-Guš of Arpad, king of Qu'e, king of Amq , the king of Gurgum, the king of Ja'udi, the king of Meliz, who [... rest destroyed] ... " - Extracts from the inscription of King Zakkur Edit source text



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