Gilis (also transcribed like Gillis or Gilus) was a Spartan polemarca under the reign of Agesilao II, that fought in the battle of Coronea in 394 a. C., during the War of Corinth. During the morning after defeating the battle Agesilaus, to see if the enemy would renew the fight, ordered Gilis (since he himself had been seriously injured) to form his soldiers in order of battle, with victory crowns on their heads, and erected a trophy with them with the sound of martial melodies in the background. The Thebans, however, losing their allies and unable to recover lost ground, recognized their defeat by asking them to bury their dead. Shortly thereafter, Agesilaus went to Delphi to offer the god Apollo a sixth of his Asian plunder, and sent Gilis to invade the territory of Opium Opuntia, whose inhabitants had been responsible for the war in Greece. Here the Spartans got even more booty; but when they returned to their camp at dusk, Gilis was killed during the attack.

The Gilis mentioned in one of the epigrams of Damageto has been identified as one such Othryades, but the sources are insufficient. Bibliography


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