The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery

The Journal of Bone & amp; Joint Surgery, abbreviated J. Bone Joint Surg. Am., Is a scientific journal published by the Journal Bone Joint Surgery Publishers on behalf of the American Orthopedic Association. The journal was founded in 1889 under the name American Journal of Orthopedic Surgery. In 1919 the name was shortened to Journal of Orthopedic Surgery, which had already been modified in 1922 in The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. In 1948, an American and a British edition were distributed. Since 1954, the magazine has been owned by the American Orthopedic Association, with 24 editions a year. In September 2011 it was decided to separate the two editions organizationally, the British edition adopted a new name (The Bone & Joint Journal) and the American edition renounced the appendix "American Volume", with the abbreviation "Am . " preserved. Work is being published that deals with surgical-orthopedic questions.

The impact factor was 5.280 in 2014. According to the statistics of the ISI Web of Knowledge, the Journal is the sixth impact of this journal in the category "Surgery" and 198 in the category orthopedics : List of specialist journals for bone and joint surgery Weblinks Edit sourcetext Single-level Edit source text Normdates (Work):


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