Gdansk trilogy

Günter Grass 2004

The Gdansk trilogy includes the three independent novels Die Blechtrommel (1959), Katz und Maus (1961) and the dog years (1963) of the author Gunter Grass, born in Danzig, but which are related to events, figures and circumstances.

All three works play in Gdansk and can be classified immediately before, during and shortly after the Second World War.

In Grass' Novella, Die Krebsgang (2002), the trilogy is a continuation in the present, as some characters familiar from the trilogy appear there and some events are mentioned. Novels, novels, and novels by Günter Grass

Gdansk trilogy Shearing drum Cat and mouse Dog Years

Novels, short stories, novels Local anesthetic From the diary of a snail The Butt The meeting in Telgte Headbirths or The Germans Die The Rättin | Unkenrufe | A wide field My century In Cancer When hopping the onion The Box | Grimm's Words Normdaten (Werk): GND: 4269747-5 (AKS)


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