Knut Klotz

Knut Klotz (* 5 July 1944 in Zwickau) is a German politician (SPD).

Knut Klotz attended the Polytechnic Oberschule (POS) "Friedrich Schiller" in Zwickau-Oberplanitz and subsequently did an apprenticeship as an electromonteur. In 1967 he became an engineer for electrical engineering. Later he studied at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and graduated as a lawyer in 1976.

In the course of the Wende in the GDR, Klotz joined the Social Democratic Party (SDP) in 1990. At the first free East Berlin election in May 1990, he was elected to the Berlin Municipal Assembly. Also in the now joint election in December 1990 he was able to win the direct mandate in constituency 1 in the district Treptow. In 1995, Klotz left the parliament. Edit source text


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