
Reifholzbaum (Fichte)

Wood is the term "wood", which in the central part (heartwood) is significantly warmer than the surrounding sapwood (in fresh condition) and which has no color core. It is at most slightly darker. In the elm tree (Ulmus), the hoarfrost forms the transition to the sapwood, it is a core ripening tree.

Different tree species such as red beech and pear sometimes exhibit an abnormal coloration of the wood body. This is called a false core, since they are non-cored species. Other varieties of rime are Common Spruce (Picea abies), Field Maple (Acer campestre), White Fir (Abies alba) and Linden (Tilia).

According to more recent terminology, a tree with lighter corewood is called the tree of the tree. Edit sourcetext


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