Alfred Lückenhaus
Alfred Lückenhaus (born 1902 in Barmen, Germany, February 20, 1962 in Bonn) was a German journalist.
Lückenhaus became 1924 London correspondent of the Börsenkurier. At the same time, he worked for the telegraph-union, in whose Berlin editorial office he entered 1928. After the merger of the Telegraphen-Union and the Wolffian telegraph office to the German news office, he remained editor of the DNB, which he represented in Great Britain, the United States, Japan and the Republic of China until 1945.
After the Second World War, Lückenhaus presented several publications on China, including a biography of Mao Tse Tung, which was translated into several languages. Edit the source text Weblinks Edit sourcetext Standard data (person): GND: 128654406 (PICA, AKS) | VIAF: 264255513 | Wikipedia People Search