The Wandsbecker Bothe was the newspaper published by Heinrich Carl von Schimmelmann in Wandsbeck (written as "ck" by Wandsbek in 1879, today: Wandsbek), which is the only one of Matthias Puducher's favorite Mercury from 1770 to 1775 Editor was written.
His contributions to the literary section remain highly respected to this day. Claudius also succeeded in gaining important contributions for this part, such as Goethe, Herder, Lessing, Klopstock, Heinrich Wilhelm von Gerstenberg, Johann Wilhelm Ludwig Gleim, Ludwig Christoph Heinrich Hölty, Johann Martin Miller, Gottfried August Bürger, Stolberg and Eschenburg. The circulation was, of course, low (around 400), because the political part - which was the largest part of the scale - could not reach the explosiveness of the predecessor newspaper because of pre-censorship. Claudius was therefore dismissed in 1775, and the Bothe was then passed on only a few months later by a pupil (Bernhard Christoph d'Arien).
The Wandsbecker Bothe appeared from 1 January 1771 to 28 October 1775. Weblinks Edit sourcetext