The Compensated gross ton, CGT, is a measure developed by the OECD for a global comparison of ship production.
C G T = A & # x22C5; Bruttoraumzahl B {\displaystyle CGT=A\cdot {\text{Bruttoraumzahl}}^{B}}
(as of 1 January 2007)
Unlike CGT, CGT takes into account not only the volume, but also the amount of work or the added value depending on the type of ship. With the sole indication of the gross tonnage, the shipbuilding activities of two countries would not be comparable. For example, if the one is mainly large-volume but relatively inexpensive container ships, the other is comparatively small but expensive cruise ships built.
The ship-dependent parameters have been adjusted twice since the introduction of Compensated Gross Ton in the 1970s: 1994 and most recently on 1 January 2007. Weblink Edit source text