Günter Schlichting-von Rönn (born 13 April 1914 in Kiel, † April 1, 1976 in Otterndorf) was a German politician (CDU). Life and Work

After graduation in 1932, Schlichting-von Rönn completed a six-month commercial apprenticeship and then studied three semesters of economics. In 1934 he became an officer at the Kriegsmarine. In the years 1939 to 1945 he brought it up to the captain lieutenant and got into war prison. After the war, he was an independent farmer until 1956, and then entered the Bundesmarine (frigate captain). After his service, he became mayor and deputy district administrator of Hadeln and district chairman of the CDU Neuhaus (Oste). Edit the parliamentary decree

Schlichting-von Rönn ran the CDU for the Bundestag in 1965 and 1969, but was not elected either. After the death of the deputies Maria Henze, he moved to the Bundestag on 17 April 1972 and stayed there until the end of the legislative period on 22 September 1972. Edit source text Standard data (person): Wikipedia person search | No GND person record. Last review: 29 June 2017.



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