
The Fortune-Felberich (Lysimachia fortunei) is a plant species from the genus Gilbweiderich (Lysimachia).

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The Fortune Felberich is a perennial, herbaceous plant that reaches heights of 30 to 80 cm. The leaves are alternating, lanzettlich, on the underside gently dotted and measure 4 to 8 × 1 to 2 centimeters. The inflorescence is an upright, 5 to 10 centimeter long grape. The flowers are fivefold. The crown is white.

The flowering season is from July to August Edit sourcetexttext

The Fortune Felberich is found in Japan, Korea, Taiwan and China along pond and river banks. EditSourcetext

The Fortune Felberich is rarely used as an ornamental plant for perennial beds. The species has been in culture since 1730. Edit sourcetext



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