Aulus Cornelius Coso Arvina (in Latin, Aulus Cornelius Cossus Arvina), whom Tito Livio sometimes calls Coso and other Arvina, was magister equitum in the year 353 BC. C., and a second time in 349 a. C ..
He was consul in 343 BC. C., the first year of the Samnite wars, and was the first Roman general to invade Samnio. During the march through the mountain passes of Samnius, his army was caught in a valley by the enemy, and was saved only by the heroism of Publius Decius, who took with a body of troops a height that dominated the road. The consul defeated the Samnites, and celebrated a triumph upon his return to Rome.
Arvina was consul again in 332 BC. C., and dictator in 320 a. C., in this last year defeated to the samnitas in a hard battle, although some of the stories attributed the victory to the consuls of that year.