
Felogen, also known as suberogenous or suberose cambium, is a secondary meristem originating in the epidermis of higher plants or, more frequently, in deeper cortical strata in the dicotyledons that have finished their primary development. It will produce the protective tissue that replaces the epidermis when there is secondary growth. From the felógeno the outward or outward form of the felem and, in the interior, the felodermis. The suber-felógeno-felodermis' set constitutes the peridermis.

Their cells are similar in cross-section to those of the cambium: they have primary walls, vacuoles and central nucleus. It has only one or two strata of cells and has a function similar to cambium. They are relatively long cells, although not as much as those of the cambium. Felogen products Origin

The felógeno comes from existing mature cells that have to regain their regenerative capacity. These cells may belong to the epidermis, the cortex or the secondary phloem. The mature cells will become meristematic: they diminish their cytoplasmic volume, they are filled with small and numerous vacuoles and begin to divide periclinally.

The felógeno is a meristem that can be classified according to its origin and its function. According to its origin, it is a secondary meristem, since it comes from mature cells. By its function, it is also a secondary meristem, since it gives rise to secondary tissues.


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