
Hospodar or gospodar is a term of Slavonic origin meaning "lord" or "master."

The rulers of Wallachia and Moldavia received the title of hospodares in the Slavic writings from century XV to 1866. Hospodar also was added to the title of Voivoda. In Romanian, the term Domn (from the Latin dominus) was used instead. At the end of this period, as the title was held by an increasing number of vassals of the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, their possession was considered inconsistent with the independence of the Danubian principalities. Hospodar was discarded in favor of domnitor or abbreviated domn, which remained the official title of the princes after the proclamation of the Kingdom of Romania in 1881 (which did not include Transylvania until 1918). Etymology

Gospodar (in Bulgarian, господар, in Serbian, господар) is a derivative of gospod, sir, (which if written with a capital G, Gospod means Lord in to God)


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