Marco Published Maleolo
Marco Publicio Maleolo (in Latin, Marcus Publicius Malleolus) consul in 232 a. C. with M. Emilio Lépido. It was this M. Publicio and his brother L. Publicio who built the temple of Flora in their edificy, instituting the Ludi Florales, and also built the beautiful Publicius Clivus, which led to the Aventine.
These works were executed with the money obtained from the fines that were demanded to the people who had violated the agrarian laws. Varron and Ovid call them ediles commoners, but Festo ediles curules.
His edility must have occurred in 240 BC. C., as we have learned from Veleyo Patérculo which indicates that the Ludi Florals were instituted in that year.