Ferry Full-Waldshut
The ferry Full-Waldshut is an international passenger ferry on the Hochrhein.
The ferry runs from the hamlet of Jüppen, the municipality of Full-Reuenthal in Switzerland, to Waldshut in Germany.
A ferry service exists since the 14th century. The passenger ship used today is operated by the Stadtwerk Waldshut-Tiengen. There are also round trips on the river Rhine, which is here built by the Rheinkraftwerk Albbruck-Dogern. The next ferry service was between Koblenz AG and Fährhaus. Edit source text Weblinks Edit sourcetext Single-level Edit source text
47.619648.21534Koordinaten: 47 ° 37'11 "N, 8 ° 12 '55" W; CH1903: 658391/274619