Tivisa Earthquake of 1845

The earthquake of Tivisa of 1845 was an earthquake that took place the region of the Shore of the Ebro, in the threshold between the Low Field, the Priory and the Low Ebro of the 3 to 7 of October of 1845 with multiple aftershocks during 15 days.

The epicenter of this earthquake (from an intensity of VI to VII on the Mercalli scale) was estimated to be near the Tivisa population, where it damaged the church and other buildings, especially at the Manou which can still be observed some very deep ground faults of 70m in length by 20m in width with large rocks fallen in its interior.

This was the news in the Barcelona Daily: An eyewitness has told me that he entered or descended the day before yesterday in a great opening of a neighboring hill, which he considers of as much capacity as the square of San Jaime of Barcelona, ​​and observed in the center a hole extremely deep and unfathomable , in which he threw several stones without the noise of his fall being perceived. There were many black stones there that sent a stench of sulfur, from which he gave me a sample. The danger that they thought to be threatened in that wide moat surrounded by high cliffs, which may collapse from one moment to another and in which several pines of the highest have been buried by root, made them shorten their subterranean excursion. In several other places, cracks of more or less importance have been opened

On the effects of the earthquake in other places, in Tortosa also was perceived but without too much importance, in Barcelona they felt earthquakes Note


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