The Mainichi Eiga Concours (mainichi eiga konkūru, Mainichi Film Competition) is an annual event that has been held annually since 1947, during which Mainichi Shimbun's daily newspaper awards
For the first time, the competition was organized as a Zennihon Eiga Concours in 1935 (全 日 本 映 画 コ ン ク ル ク). Watanabe Kunio's film Uramachi no kōkyōgaku was awarded the main prize and the actress Natsukawa Shizue with a special prize. Competition continued in the coming years due to the political situation. In 1947, the competition was relaunched under its present name; the films of the previous year were honored. Categories Edit sourcetext
The Mainichi Eiga Concours awards awards in different categories: Weblinks Edit sourcetext