Chuza! is a social network of news promotion in Galician, which covered mostly the Galician area. It was created on February 20, 2006.
Users, registered or not, filter, value and comment on stories that come from different sources of information both Galician and foreign. It was created by Berto Yáñez. The system is a fork of the original Menéame software developed by Ricardo Galli as a Digg clone.
According to the page itself, Chuza! is "a Galician news site that uses a non-hierarchical editorial control. Anyone can send stories and the community of Internet users is the one who values them, comments them and decides whether to publish them on the main page, so that never intervene the figure of the editor "In July 2010 it had more than 5,700 registered users, more than 76,000 stories submitted and more than 231,000 comments. Functioning
Registered users send stories to Chuza! of this form: SURNAME OF DELFINA MUÑOZ, CHUCHU, TERN, PIÑON, ETC ...