
Taradise, the Wild On Tara! outside the United States, is a television show hosted by actress / model Tara Reid. The program focused on Tara's visits to other countries, such as Spain, Greece, Italy, France, and Monaco, where he showed local gastronomy, visited nightclubs, and went shopping. Serie

The program was part of the E! channel, with new episodes that were released on Wednesdays at 10:00 p.m. AND! announced that there would be a second season of the program due to the production complications that arose with the recordings. According to E! President Ted Harbert, "The show was incredibly difficult to produce with someone you know." It began in 2005 and was canceled in early 2006. Formato Wild On!

Taradise was originally going to be a new season in the series of E !, Wild On !, with Tara as the new host. A week before the season began, E! changed the title to Taradise and re-edited the series as a reality show based on Tara instead of the Wild On format as a travel show.


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