Flag of the Peru-Bolivian Confederation
Confederate flag.
The flag of the Peruvian-Bolivian Confederation was made up of a red background or punch incarnate on which the shields of the conforming Republics were surrounded by a civic crown.
From left to right the shields were: the one of the Republic of Bolivia (second historical shield), the one of the South-Peruvian State and the one of the Nor-Peruvian State (the same one of the previous Republic of Peru). >
The flag of the Confederation will be colored punz because it is common to the three republics. In its center will be seen the arms of the Confederation, which are those of the three republics interlaced by a laurel; the design will be given by the Protector Fundamental Law of the Peru-Bolivian Confederation, Article 37 Other flags
Each state had its own flag: