Federación is one of the sectors in which the city of Cabimas is divided in the state Zulia, (Venezuela), belongs to the parish Germán Ríos Linares.
LocationFederation is located between the sectors Laureles to the west (Av 44), Federation II to the south (H road), to the east and to the north is Ciudad Sucre. Residential area
Federación is a group of houses and ranches scattered to the east of Los Laureles on the H road, as far as area is one of the largest sectors of Cabimas, ranging from Av 44 to 54 north of the H, however it is not very populated and its limits are imprecise, since new sectors are founded within Federation. Road and transport
In 2007 the H road was extended to 4 channels with new asphalting and lighting, and the San Benito distributor (inaugurated in January 2008) was built, becoming an alternative exit for Cabimas. The line H and cabillas circulates through the sector passing through the laurels until arriving at the center. sites