National Representation of Central America
Coat of Arms of the National Representation of Central America
National Representation of Central America was a confederation created in 1849 by El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua, to standardize certain aspects of its policies, establish a single external representation and institute common authorities. It was established by a pact signed on November 8, 1849, in one of the many Central American unionist conferences held in Leon, Nicaragua, by representatives of these three States.
The Confederation had little success. Costa Rica, which was invited to join the pact, declined to do so. In September of 1850 the government of Honduras proposed to all the centraomericanos countries to assemble a constituent assembly, but the idea was not received. El Salvador and Honduras undertook a war against Guatemala, which ended with the Guatemalan victory in February 1851. In January 1852, the Honduran authorities reiterated to El Salvador and Nicaragua their proposal to assemble a constituent assembly, which finally began its sessions in Tegucigalpa in October of that year. The Constituent Assembly approved a National Statute of the Republic of Central America and elected General Jose Trinidad CabaƱas as its President, but these auspicious beginnings were suddenly interrupted because both El Salvador and Nicaragua rejected the approved Statute. Nicaragua, moreover, was erected as a sovereign republic, as Costa Rica and Guatemala had done several years before. This also caused the Unionist impulses to decay in Central America for a long time.