Gregorio Jove and Valdés

Gregory Jove and Valdés (La Campona, Peñaflor, Grado, 1779 - 1857) Asturian politician.

Member of a noble family, his nobility title was viscount of Campogrande is appointed Attorney General of the Principality in 1805. In his position maintains contacts with Ferdinand VII alerting him to the danger posed by the French troops settled in the region.

On May 9, 1808, after the popular militia's uprising in Oviedo took place, among others, the heroines Juaca Bobela and Marica Andallón joined Garcia del Busto, summoning the General Assembly of the Principality to take measures against the invading army. A year later, in 1809 he supported the Marquis de la Romana when he dissolved the Superior Board of Observation and Defense of the Principality of Asturias. During all the War of the Spanish Independence it maintains very belligerent with the French troops carrying out numerous activities.

In 1811, he was appointed interlocutor to ask the Central Government for a Superior Constitutional Board, being arrested for this reason by retrying it in 1814.

In 1820, after the pronouncement of his Asturian countryman Rafael del Riego, he supported the Liberal Triennium, becoming the Constitutional Mayor of Gijón, but in 1823, after his completion, he was imprisoned.

In 1840 he was appointed Director of the Royal Institute Jovellanos de Gijón.


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