For other uses of this term, see Universal Deluge. In the fictional universe World of Darkness and in particular in the role play Vampiro: the masquerade, the antediluvianos are vampires more direct descendants of Cain and are the third generation that was created, that are supposed predecessors of all the vampires of the game. Their bloodlines form the initial generations of the original clans: the vampires of each clan are direct descendants of the same antediluvian, and possess the same curses that owns its creator. These curses originate in the customs of the antediluvian, or were imposed by Cain after the destruction of the second generation. Initially there were thirteen antediluvians, but in addition to those who were supposed to have been destroyed in the universal flood, others emerged, which are called antediluvians for being also third generation.
Data about each antediluvian may vary based on each piece of information found in all Supplements in the World of Darkness. The supplement that closes the cycle, Gehenna, provides the location and name; in addition to several possible meta-frames, but the information of the rest of the official books is also useful when raising games. Bibliography