Pangeo is a municipality and a mountain of Greece. Municipality
Pangeo is a Greek municipality belonging to the peripheral unit of Kavala, in the Greek region of eastern Macedonia and Thrace. Monte
Mount Pangeo was close to the ancient Greek city of Amphipolis. It was located in western Thrace, located to the east of the Chalcidice and the river Strimón. Its height was 1872 m.
From 546 to 528 a. C., Pisistratus, tyrant of Athens, favored the distribution of lands, the exploitation of the mines of the mount and the colonization of the region of the Hellespont. Effect of his policy and the gold of the Pangeo, was an increase of the Athenian commerce and an enrichment of the city, that the tyrant favored with the embellishment and construction of monuments. In ancient times, Mount Pangeo was known as a sacred mountain dedicated to the cult of Dionysus, as well as for its mines of gold and silver that motivated the expedition of Philip II of Macedonia in 357 BC. C. conquered neighboring Amphipolis.